5 Ways to Leverage Beauty and Fashion Events as an Influencer

As content creators, events like Sephoria and Beautycon are prime opportunities to grow your influence. Follow these strategies to maximize your networking and content potential.

Scope Out Brand Partnership Prospects

Partnerships are pivotal for expanding your reach and income. Use the event to identify complementary brands whose aesthetics align with your feed. Don’t just aim for the big names—emerging brands often have more flexible collaboration terms.

Curate Instagrammable Moments

Your aesthetically-pleasing content is your calling card. Scope the show floor for photogenic backdrops and interactives perfect for Reels and grids. Well-lit booths and large brand logos amplify your visual storytelling prowess.

Strike While Connections are Hot

Qualify brand representatives by gauging their social savvy and openness to collab. Exchange contact info on the spot versus waiting until after for follow through. Touch base within 24 hours to begin nurturing relationships.

Find Influencers to Follow/Potential Collabs

Scope your peers who are enhancing their followings. Chat up smaller influencers you admire for potential cross-promotions down the line. Larger creators make ideal mentor figures or potential collaborator introductions through mutual connections.

Build Your Swag Collection Strategically

Freebies elevate your influencing game but only take items consider gifts versus “ads.” Higher-ticket giveaways have greater perceived value for your audience. Swag also provides visual props for later content down the line.
Approach events holistically as opportunity-filled networking hubs. With strategy and follow-through, expand your influence through beauty and fashion’s biggest industry showcases.
Daisi Pollard Sepulveda