How To Reduce Swelling After Wisdom Teeth Surgery Fast!

If you’ve just had your wisdom teeth removed, swelling is probably one of your biggest concerns. Managing the swelling early on will help you recover more quickly and get back to normal activities sooner. Here are some top tips to reduce facial swelling effectively after an extraction:

Follow Your Medication Schedule

Be sure to take all medication prescribed by your dentist, such as painkillers and antibiotics, exactly as directed. Taking the full course is important to properly manage any pain or discomfort and prevent the risk of infection. Keep track of doses and times to make sure you don’t miss any. Ask your dentist any questions you have about your prescription to make sure you understand the treatment plan. Proper use of medication allows your body to focus on healing without distractions.

Rinse With Salt Water

In addition to prescribed medication, warm salt water rinses should be performed several times per day. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water and rinse with the solution for 30 seconds or you can use a saltwater mouthwash like H2Ocean Healing Rinse Natural Sea Salt Oral Care. This helps flush out particles from the extraction site and prevents buildup that could delay healing or lead to infection. Be conscientious about thorough rinsing after meals as well as any other time debris is dislodged.

Avoid Straws and Vigorous Activity

Not only should you refrain from activities like smoking or vigorous exercise that raise your blood pressure, but also avoid using straws which can disrupt the formation of a blood clot at the extraction site. A clot is important to stop bleeding and allow healing to begin. Take it easy and rest for at least a few days after the procedure to allow your body to redirect its energy to the recovery process.

Elevate Your Head and Apply Ice/Heat

While sleeping, put an extra pillow under your head and shoulders to keep them elevated above your heart. This prevents blood from pooling in the facial area. Alternate icing the external cheek for 20 minutes followed by 20 minutes of gentle heat from a warm compress. The cold constricts blood vessels to reduce inflammation and pain, while heat improves circulation and drainage after 24 hours.

Nourish Your Body With Soft Foods

For at least the first few days, focus on gentle, soothing foods that won’t get caught in the extraction site or require a lot of chewing. Smoothies, yogurt, eggs, soups, and oatmeal provide balanced nutrition your body needs to heal without aggravating the wound. Stick with cool or lukewarm intake as hot foods could also cause discomfort.
Daisi Pollard Sepulveda
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